vendredi 24 mai 2013

Greeting from Prof. Mauro Salvemini

Greeting from Prof. Mauro Salvemini, President of EUROGI
to the International Conference on SDI 2010 - Skopje

We are definitely living in an ICT era where the geographic information is playing more and more a relevant role in the everyday life. Governments and private companies are basing and offering to citizens services placed on geographic
components of the information and , on the other hand, the final user demand of micro-knowledge about territory and environment is steadily increasing. This process is affecting all nations in different ways spanning from the essential cadastral information to advanced location based services.

Generally speaking the euphoria for the GI might drive the consideration that everything is easy to get in the field and that the achievement of final good results regarding GI is obvious. Unfortunately the reality demonstrates that relevant efforts are clearly needed nowadays and that every one involved in GI should be involved for a better and deeper useful exploitation of GI in modern society. Awareness needs to be fostered, capacity building has to be performed in order to create reactive users especially in public administrations and the research, as a pillar component of societal development, needs to be sustained.

In the present scene so well depicted by the INSPIRE Krakow Declaration , just recently approved, the role of non governmental organizations such as associations as EUROGI and his members absolutely fits the scene interpreting the final user needs for collaborating with the governments and public administrations for the benefit of the citizens.

In this sense EUROGI is proud to support the SKOPJE 2010 Conference also as a starting event representing the academic and societal interest of this European region for the themes of SDI and GI. The European Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information (EUROGI) is a non-aligned, non-profit pan European organization which aims at promoting the widespread and effective usage of Geographical Information. Its direct membership involves representation from 17 countries, and includes private sector companies and other pan-European organizations involved in GI matters. Through its national members EUROGI has representation of over 6500 organisations across Europe. It was established in 1994 arising from an initiative of the European Commission which at the time saw the need for a combined European voice on Geographical Information matters.

Mauro Salvemini
President of EUROGI
August 2010

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